PRODUCT CODE: 9781800970724 Special Offer

Tales from a Wicklow Tea Room 1898–1960

by Michael Fewer
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About the book:
Tales from a Wicklow Tea Room, 1898–1960 tells the story of a tiny cottage in Glencree in the Wicklow Mountains and the tea room run there by the McGuirk family from the 1880s to the 1960s. It is about those who met and took tea at McGuirk’s during the most momentous years of Ireland’s history, and the world they inhabited.

Over this most formative period in Irish history, the cottage became a meeting place for poets, artists, writers, scientists, politicians, lawyers and, indeed, representatives of every aspect of Irish society, including some of early-twentieth-century Ireland’s most in uential people. Among the host of visitors were William Beckett, Denis Devlin, Ellen Duncan, Oliver St. John Gogarty, Arthur Gri th, Hugh Lane, J.B. Malone, Constantia Maxwell, Robert Lloyd Praeger, J.M. Synge, Mervyn Wall and Ella Webb.

About the Author:
Micheal Fewer
has written numerous books, on history, travel, architecture, and the natural world and countryside. He is a regular contributor on television and radio programmes, particularly RTÉ Radio1’s Sunday Miscellany.
