PRODUCT CODE: 9781911178477

Providence and Blessing Living a Purpose Filled Life

by Pat Collins CM
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About the book:
It is said that we live in an age of anxiety, a post-truth world where nothing is certain. As a result, many people are adrift on a sea of relativism without the aid of reliable values, beliefs and a sense of ultimate belonging. This book is intended to act like a spiritual compass that will guide its readers to live a purpose filled life as a result of discovering their unique role in God's providential plan. Those who do this will be anchored in a sense of unconditional meaning and experience powerful and repeated blessings, even to the point of miracles, through-out their lives.

About the Author:
Fr Pat Collins, C.M., MA, STL,
a trained counsellor and spiritual director has been a schoolteacher, a member of a parish mission team, and a college lecturer in spirituality and the psychology of religion. He is the author of many books. Fr Pat, a committed ecumenist, was involved in introducing the Alpha Course into Ireland and is a founder member of the New Springtime Community in Dublin.