PRODUCT CODE: 9781847308726 Veritas Publications

Guidelines For Parish Based Religious Education

by Council for Catechetics of IEC
€1.20 €0.50 58%
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While the majority of Catholic parents choose a Catholic primary school for their children, a significant number of families, for a variety of reasons, send their children to schools that are not under Catholic patronage. Children who attend non-Catholic schools do not receive formal religious education during the school day and so the local parish must take responsibility for supporting their parents in nourishing and developing the faith formation and catechesis of their children.
The purpose of this set of Guidelines is two-fold:
to assist dioceses and parishes in their provision of a parish-based Religious Education programme outside the Catholic school network, including sacramental education and preparation;
to support parents in their task as primary educators of their children in the ways of faith by providing a parish-based Religious Education programme.