PRODUCT CODE: 9781788604338

Ageing Upwards

by Berit Lewis
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Congratulations! You have been given about 20 more years to live than your grandparents. But does that just mean a longer decline?

Berit Lewis shows that the story we so often tell ourselves about ageing – that it’s all downhill from 50 – is simply wrong. In fact, research reveals we are at our happiest aged 80! Combining her extensive experience in teaching mindfulness with her knowledge of how to live and age well, she reveals a simple framework that can help you make the most out of those extra years of living.

Ageing Upwardswill help you navigate life after 50 with acceptance, self-compassion and mental flexibility. It’s also invaluable to leaders who wants overcome unconscious beliefs, limitations and discriminations related to age to create more diverse organizations.

Berit Lewis is an experienced speaker and mindfulness teacher with degrees in Psychology, Communication, and Vitality and Ageing. After a career as a communication and PR specialist in Denmark and Australia – including 10 years at the Danish Defence – she founded Thriving Life, offering workshops, courses and retreats in mental well-being.