PRODUCT CODE: 9781847301178 Veritas Publications

Violence in Irish Society

by Irish Commission for Justice and Social Affairs
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Violence in Irish Society, Towards an Ecology of Peace is a timely document, addressing as it does one of the most crucial issues affecting Irish society today. The Irish Commission for Justice and Social Affairs (ICJSA) seeks through this publication to make a positive contribution to the debate that should take place to address the current culture of violence in Ireland.

The ICJSA supports the call of the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, to establish an ecology of peace. It also supports the call by Dr Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin, for a summit of all those in leadership positions in our communities to seek to address together the causes of violence, which is destroying our society and causing so much suffering to so many of our citizens. What the document suggests is noteworthy that our response to the present culture of violence must be at both a personal level and a societal level. It is a call to recognise our indebtedness to the society to which we belong and to accept the challenge to be active citizens. It also acknowledges the destructive effects that both excessive alcohol consumption and all substance abuse have in contributing to the growth of a violent culture in our society.