PRODUCT CODE: P94594 New Lower Price

The Pastoral Care Of The Faithful With Coeliac Condition

by Liturgy Ireland
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Introducing Holy Communion from the chalice for all in the congregation is an apt opportunity for parishes to reflect once more on how they celebrate the Eucharist on Sunday, so that its celebration may truly be a sign of the fullness of God’s life for the world.

Holy Communion under both kinds for all
the faithful in the congregation has additional significance for those who for health reasons cannot participate under the species of bread alone. They are enabled to join the communal procession to Holy Communion to receive the Blood of Christ and, so, are saved from stress and medical disclosure.

It is within every parish’s means to establish for all celebrations of the Eucharist on Sunday two permanent locations, at minimum, where Holy Communion from the chalice is available to all the faithful.
It is a helpful practice to have two ministers of the chalice to each minister of the host, and to position each pair together on the side on which communicants in circulating mode are returning to their seats.
In smaller churches, however, where only one minister of the host distributes before the altar at the head of the central aisle, the ‘two permanent locations’ could mean having one minister of the chalice on either side of this single minister of the host.